Contemporary Asia Pacific Studies
"Contemporary Asia" covers the Asia-Pacific region's political, economic, security, social and other aspects of theoretical and practical issues, priorities reflect the most current research results at home and abroad. Articles implementation of bidirectional anonymous referees system, adhere to "Ningquewulan" principle to ensure academic quality articles.JOURNAL LIST
- On the Future of China’s East Asian Security Policy: The Concept of the “Four Pi...
- U.S-China Power Transition and Asian Regional System
- ASEAN ’s Diplomacy of Balancing Great Powers in the South China Seas
- U.S-Australia Cooperation and U.S.’s Asia Pacific Rebalancing Strategy
- Response Strategies to Market Access Policies in Developed Countries: The Case of ...
- Alliance Type, Institutional Structure and Alliance Durability
- The Chinese Political Philosophy of the “Heavenly Rites” (The Heaven, Way, Man-t...