Contemporary Asia Pacific Studies
"Contemporary Asia" covers the Asia-Pacific region's political, economic, security, social and other aspects of theoretical and practical issues, priorities reflect the most current research results at home and abroad. Articles implementation of bidirectional anonymous referees system, adhere to "Ningquewulan" principle to ensure academic quality articles.JOURNAL LIST
- Impact of FTA on Business Activities——A Survey on Firms in the People’s Republi...
- Rules of Origin and Manufacturing System in East Asian FTAs
- The Quandaries of Japan’s Free Trade Agreement Strategy
- China’s Strategic Options at Tapping the World’s Crude Oil Resources
- Evolution of China’s Position in International Climate Talks
- An Analysis on “Smart Power” Diplomacy of the Obama Administration
- The Evolution of Myanmar’s Foreign Policy since Independence and China-Myanmar Re...
- Japan-Myanmar Relations after the Cold War and Japan’s Policy towards Myanmar
- The American Factor and its Influence in the Disputes in South China Sea
- Equitable Principles/Relevant Circumstances Rule and the Case of China’s Delimita...