Contemporary Asia Pacific Studies
"Contemporary Asia" covers the Asia-Pacific region's political, economic, security, social and other aspects of theoretical and practical issues, priorities reflect the most current research results at home and abroad. Articles implementation of bidirectional anonymous referees system, adhere to "Ningquewulan" principle to ensure academic quality articles.JOURNAL LIST
- China’s Rise,the Transformation of East Asian Structure and Directions for the De...
- A Shifting American Alliance in the AsiaPacific: Between Chinese and American Po...
- The Development and Extension of Structural Realist Foreign Policy Theory and Cons...
- Motivations Behind and Implications of Thailand’s Warm Response to China’s Rise ...
- An Analysis of Changing Perceptions of China in the Official Vietnamese Media:The ...
- Research on Public Attitudes towards China in Australia:An Analysis of the Annual ...
- Rulings of the International Court of Justice on Disputes over Islands and Reefs a...