Contemporary Asia Pacific Studies
"Contemporary Asia" covers the Asia-Pacific region's political, economic, security, social and other aspects of theoretical and practical issues, priorities reflect the most current research results at home and abroad. Articles implementation of bidirectional anonymous referees system, adhere to "Ningquewulan" principle to ensure academic quality articles.JOURNAL LIST
- International Norms, Group Identity and Domestic Institutional Reform:The Case of...
- The Evolution of ASEAN Norms and Its Lessons for External Norms:An Analysis from ...
- “The Norm of Unification” in the Context of Separatism in Ancient China:Cases f...
- The East Asian International System in Transition:Historical Evolution and Struct...
- Economic Diplomacy of Southeast Asian States and the Remaking of the Regional Secu...
- An Analysis of the Dualistic Effects of Institutions and Power on U.S. Climate Dip...
- Cyclical Theories of US Foreign Policy:Perspectives, Critiques and Empirical Tests