Contemporary Asia Pacific Studies
"Contemporary Asia" covers the Asia-Pacific region's political, economic, security, social and other aspects of theoretical and practical issues, priorities reflect the most current research results at home and abroad. Articles implementation of bidirectional anonymous referees system, adhere to "Ningquewulan" principle to ensure academic quality articles.JOURNAL LIST
- The Shift of World Center and the Change of the International System
- The Political Foundation of the East Asia Monetary Order: From Single Dominance to...
- East Asia Monetary Cooperation after the Global Financial Crisis: An Asian Model?
- The “Power Discount Rate” in World Politics and the Devaluation of the U.S. Dollar
- Sensitivity and Fragility of Economic Interdependence in Sino-U. S. Relations:An A...
- On the Economic Effects of Preferential Rules of Origin within the Free Trade Agre...
- Regionalism or Multilateralism: Competing Paths for Trade Liberalization