"South Asian Studies" is the Chinese South Asian Society journal, founded in 1979, is China's earliest founded the field of international studies of publications.
- Pakistan’s Perspective on the South Asian Regional Security Situation
- “The Ocean in the 21st Century”:A Study of the Indian Ocean from a Geo-Strategi...
- The Indian Ocean and the Chinese Strategy for Maritime Security
- Can Geographical Principles Demonstrate the Validity of the McMahon Line?
- A Case Study of India’s New Border Policy towards “Arunachal Pradesh”
- Shaping Perspectives and Policy: A Comparison of Chinese and Indian Lobbying in th...
- Political Conflicts among Bangladeshi Parties
- India’s Industrial Structure: Adjustment Mechanism and Changes
- An Analysis of India’s Energy Situation: Present Condition and Prospect
- India‘s Studies on Environmentalism
- ‘Satyagraha’: A Centenary Review
- On Chinnamasta