"South Asian Studies" is the Chinese South Asian Society journal, founded in 1979, is China's earliest founded the field of international studies of publications.
- The Political Economy of China’s Periphery Diplomacy in the New Century
- International Nuclear Crisis Control & Management:Case Study of South Asian Nucle...
- The Cause of That India Makes Discordant Notes in Sino-Indian Relations
- The Facilitator of the Unconscious——The Analysis of India Factors through Bilate...
- The Evolution of India’s Policy towards ASEAN : 1967~1991
- Comparative Studies on China and India’s Energy Policies
- Status Quo of Indian Middle Class after Economic Reform
- The Reform of the Legal Status of Hindu Widows in the 19th Century
- The Drug Economy in Afghanistan:Origins, Effect and Causation
- Rammohan Roy: A Forerunner of Neo-Vedāntism
- The Five Classes Theory of Buddhism and the Padārtha Theory of Brahmanism
- The Features of Different Chinese Versions of the Astasāhasrikāpraj āpāramitā...
- A Preliminary Probe into Some Basic Discourses in Traditional Indian Poetics