"South Asian Studies" is the Chinese South Asian Society journal, founded in 1979, is China's earliest founded the field of international studies of publications.
- The Threat of Maritime Piracy in the Indian Ocean and China’s Indian Ocean Strategy
- Obama’s Visit to India:Impact onSino-Indo-US Triangular Relationship
- The Bilateral Boundary Issues between PRC and the Royal Kingdom of Bhutan
- The Prospects of Indian Communist Party(Maoist)
- Globalization and Trade Unions in India
- Pakistan’s Strategic Choices: Islam, Alliance and Offensive-Defence
- Religion, Politics and Extremism in Pakistan
- A Study on Modern Islamist Thinker Maududi’s Political Theory of Islamic State
- U.S. New Development Aid Strategy to Pakistan
- Tagore’s Visit to China in 1924: A Positive Reevaluation of Some Misunderstanding
- Tagore’s Engagement with the Soviet Union
- The Translation and Reception of Tagore’s Poetry in the Hispanic World