"South Asian Studies" is the Chinese South Asian Society journal, founded in 1979, is China's earliest founded the field of international studies of publications.
- India’s Strategic Cooperation with Asia-Pacific Countries and Its Influence
- The Evolution of India’s Foreign Policy towards Central Asia
- A Study on India’s Economic Diplomacy towards Africa under the Perspective of Pol...
- The Nehru Government’s Unilateralism on Sino-Indian BoundaryIssues and Its Expl...
- India-US Space Cooperation and Its Effects
- Pashtun Nationalism:Emergence and Development
- The Interest Role Analysis of Afghanistan Drug Problem
- A Review of Geopolitical Study of South Asia in China
- The Theory of Causation in Samkhya-Karika and Its Ancient Annotation
- Xu Fancheng and Indian Culture
- Three Phases of Gandharan Art Studies in India and Pakistan