"South Asian Studies" is the Chinese South Asian Society journal, founded in 1979, is China's earliest founded the field of international studies of publications.
- The Impact of Religion on India’s Cultural Strategy
- Mainstream Understandings of Near Modern Islam in South Asia
- The Indian Ocean: Motivations for Re-Defining China’s Maritime Strategy
- On Afghanistan’s Political Development in the Post-Taliban Era:Considerations b...
- The Influence of American Strategy on Afghanistan’s Drug Issues
- Change Mechanisms and Indian Climate Politics:A Systematic Analysis based on Mul...
- Globalization and Domestic Politics: Policy Convergence or Divergence?A Comparativ...
- Japanese Official Development Assistance to India
- Reasons for and Lessons from the Development of India’sSoftware Technology Parks
- India’s Policy towards Overseas Indians and Lessons for Chinese Policy for Overse...
- Zhou Zuoren and Tagore