"South Asian Studies" is the Chinese South Asian Society journal, founded in 1979, is China's earliest founded the field of international studies of publications.
- A Review of Contemporary Sino-Indian Economic Relations:Establishment of New Sin...
- Path Dependence and Path Creation in India’s Industrial Upgrading:A Discussion ...
- National Interests and Interdependence: China, India and the Case of the Yarlung Z...
- The China-India Border Dispute: Roots of the Problem,Progress in Negotiations an...
- The “Rising Power” of International Development Assistance:An Analysis of the ...
- A Constructivist View of India’s Relationship with International Nuclear Agencies
- Energy Security and India’s Look East Diplomacy
- India’s Sri Lanka Policy Following the Sri Lankan Civil War
- A Comparative Study of Vedānta’s Māyā Theory and Buddhist Sunya Concept
- The “Purusa” Theory of Vedānta Reported in the Madhyamakahrdayakārikā