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East Asia: Party Politics and Political Participation

Author: Li WenSilver Editor Source: World Affairs PressTime :2007-06-01 14:27:00


Most East Asian Countries has encountered political and social transformation since 1980s, whose core is democratization. With the tremendous change, party politics changed accordingly. Also we need to analysis the question. East Asian party transformation is influenced tremendously by multi-partial system; its institutional framework’s blueprint is comparative multi-partial system. However, the development of East Asian party and party politics encountered a long and hazardous way, with uniqueness of East Asian feature. How to maintain the stability of comparative multi-partial system in East Asian cultural zoon is a big task.

The book has 4 parts, the Change and Readjustment of Party System, Party Politics: Achievement and Problems, Party and Political Efficiency, and Political Participation: Subjects, Methods and Effect.