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The Situation of Korean Peninsula Like Walking on Thin Ice

Author: Wang LunshengSilver Editor Source: Blue Book Of Asia-PacificTime :2014-05-07 14:29:00

  Abstract: The death of Kim Jong Il and the top leadership transition of some North east Asia countries drove the situation of Korea Peninsula like one person walking on the thin ice. However, the situation is relatively stable since both DPRK and ROK try to prevent it from out of control, despite the tension still remains. Meanwhile, the policy China and US has taken also contributed this result. In the near term, the situation of Korea Peninsula will be possibly further improved because the domestic positive change in DPRK and the every candidate of general election in ROK has expressed the will to improve the relation with DPRK. China and US should continue work together and walk in the same direction in order to maintain this trend.

  Key Words: the situation of Korean Peninsula;like walking on the thin ice; relatively stable; the trend