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Political Reform in Myanmar and China-Myanmar Relations

Author: Du JifengSilver Editor Source: Blue Book Of Asia-PacificTime :2014-05-07 14:30:00

  Abstract: Myanmar’s new government was formed and the transfer of power was completed in March 2011.Immediately after its formation, the new government began to implement the political reform. The opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and many other political prisoners was released, the restriction on her was relaxed, the restriction on foreign media was lifted, the censorship on media was relaxed and eventually been canceled. The party registration law was modified and NLD was finally allowed to register to compete in the by-election. The political reform in Myanmar is not only Myanmar’s own needs, but also the natural result of the international and regional changes. In the context of political reform, Myanmar began to adjust its foreign policy and moved closer to US led Western countries. China’s importance in geopolitics, energy and border security to Myanmar has no any substantive changes. At the same time, China has its own significant economic interests in Myanmar and china will not give up Myanmar easily. China and Myanmar’s mutual strategic needs will exist for a long time.

  Key words: Myanmar;Political Reform; Democratic Transformation; China-Myanmar Relations