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The Evolution of Myanmar’s Foreign Policy since Independence and China-Myanmar Relations

Author: Liu WuSilver Editor Source: Contemporary Asia Pacific StudiesTime :2014-04-21 14:26:00

  Abstract: Since gaining its independence, Myanmar has experienced several political transitions. In line with these shifts in its domestic climate, Myanmar’s foreign policy has undergone several major changes as well. This is duly reflected in China-Myanmar relations. This article analyzes the bases of diplomatic relations between China and Myanmar relations at various stages since 1948. Distinctive characteristics can be identified at each period, bracketed by the periods when (1) the U Nu government was in power (1948-1962), (2) the first half of Ne Win’s government (1962-1972), (3) the latter half of Ne Win’s government (1973-1988), and (4) the military government since 1988. Except for a short period in the 1960s when ChinaMyanmar relations experienced some tensions and setbacks, in general the relations between the two states have been one characterized by friendship and cooperation. This is underpinned by Myanmar’s friendly overtures as much as China’s good neighborliness diplomacy. Considering Myanmar’s domestic conditions, history and the geopolitical factors between the two states, the friendly relations between China and Myanmar are set to continue into the future.

  Authors: Liu Wu, Lecturer, Department of History, Zunyi Normal College