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An Analysis on “Smart Power” Diplomacy of the Obama Administration

Author: Tang YanlinSilver Editor Source: Contemporary Asia Pacific StudiesTime :2014-04-21 14:27:00

  Abstract: After the Obama administration took office, the U.S. has incrementally implemented the so-called “smart power” diplomacy. A policy rethink of the controversial approaches adopted by the former Bush administration was the primary factor behind his new diplomatic strategy. It is also a product of the domestic conditions in the U.S. and changes to its international environment. This article analyzes the theoretical foundations of the U.S.’s new foreign policy approach, and provides critiques to this new thinking. This paper then examines the various factors that lead to the rise of “smart power” thinking within Washington’s powerbrokers. At the present stage, on the main agenda of this new initiative includes repairing of diplomatic ties which were damaged during the Bush’s years, raising the soft power of the U.S., and increasing reliance on multilateralism. The aim is to preserve the supremacy of the international affairs at a time when its relative power is in decline. Naturally, this turn towards “smart power” diplomacy has profound effects on China-U.S. relations. This new approach redefines China-U.S. relations and provides new institutions of cooperation between the two powers.

  Authors: Tang Yanlin, Associate Professor, International Relations College, Liaoning University