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Changes in Japan’s Position on International Climate Negotiations and their Underlying Causes

Author: Gong LiliSilver Editor Source: Contemporary Asia Pacific StudiesTime :2014-04-10 14:18:00

    Abstract: Japan is a key participant in international climate change talks. After the United States withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol, Japan ultimately decided to ratify the Protocol in order to receive recognition and praise from the international community for demonstrating responsibility as the host country of the Kyoto Climate Talks at a critical juncture. However, Japan was negative to the future of the protocol during the post Kyoto climate negotiation. This paper analyzes why Japans position in international climate talks shifted from enthusiastic to unenthusiastic, and offers insights into the international climate talks based on Japans attitude.

    Author: Gong Lili is a Lecturer in the School of Administration at Jilin University