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The Sino-US Strategy Dilemma through the Eyes of American Scolars

Author: Qiu HuafeiSilver Editor Source: Contemporary Asia Pacific StudiesTime :2014-04-10 14:37:00

    Abstract: As Chinas rise has progressed since the beginning of the 21st Century, American concerns over the uncertain growth of Chinese power have deepened. American China experts have increasingly emphasized strategic competition with China in their research of US-China relations, arguing that the United States should broaden and upgrade relations with its strategic partners and allies in the Asia-Pacific region and especially with states that harbor long term suspicions of China. They argue that America has many forms of security cooperation in Asia, but that presently the focus is on building mechanisms which prevent or dissuade China from using coercive diplomacy to expand its influence in the region, and using cooperation to strengthen the capacity and confidence of partners and allies to check China. The article relies on realist analysis to consider contemporary research by a range of American scholars on the Sino-US strategy dilemma.

    Author: Qiu Huafei is a Professor in the School of Political Science & International Relations at Tongji University