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Reporting in the Mainstream Media in Western States on “China’s National Defense Transparency”

Author: Guo RuiSilver Editor Source: Contemporary Asia Pacific StudiesTime :2014-04-10 11:27:00

    Abstract: In recent years, reporting in the mainstream media in Western states on Chinas national defense transparency has not recognized the obvious trend in China towards increased transparency. An analysis of relevant data collected shows that the recognition of increased Chinese national defense transparency in the mainstream media in Western states is directly related to the level of a particular countrys friendship with China, and inversely related to the influence of a particular mainstream media outlet. Reporting in the mainstream media in the West on Chinas national defense transparency is effected by values, stereotypes, and national interests, and this results in a continum of reporting on Chinese national defense transparency, with different types of states providing different assessments of the level of transparency. As a result, it is critical that the shaping of Chinas national defense transparency is linked to international media to ensure that overseas views more accurately reflect Chinas image.

    Author: Guo Rui is an Associate Professor in the Department of International Politics of the College of Administration at Jilin University