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The Shift of World Center and the Change of the International System

Author: Yan XuetongSilver Editor Source: Contemporary Asia Pacific StudiesTime :2014-04-09 14:27:00

  Abstract:The power transition caused by Chinas rise will not only change the international configuration, but could also result in the world center shifting from Europe to Asia. However, neither a change in the international configuration nor the shift of the world center implies a change of the type of the international system. The international system is composed of three elements: international actors, international configuration and international norms. It will be neither possible to distinguish international system from its components nor clarify relations between components and system if changes in one element are treated as change of types of international system. The criteria for change of system should be changes in at least two of the three components. China will be faced with increasing system pressure due to its rise is the main cause of the change in international configuration. Thus China has to adopt foreign strategy according to its international status as the worlds second largest power, develop principle guiding competition for strategic partners and adjust policy for establishing new international norms.