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How does ASEAN Assert “CounterLeadership” over China in the South China Sea Empirical Analysis of a Weak Actor’s Strategy

Author: Nie WenjuanSilver Editor Source: Contemporary Asia Pacific StudiesTime :2014-04-08 14:13:00

  Abstract: In recent years, as the dispute over the South China Sea has escalated, China’s passive position with respect to the issue has become more and more obviousChina’s passive policy towards the South China Sea is largely a result of ASEAN’s efforts to assert “counterleadership” as a weaker actor ASEAN’s“counterleadership” is based on its identity as a “friendly weak actor”. Within the context of such a relationship, ASEAN has followed a leadership policy of “cautious guidance”.ASEAN’s identity as a “friendly weak actor” was constructed during the Cold War when it signaled both friendship and weakness towards China, and during the 1990s, when it maintained a policy of “gentle obedience”.With respect to the South China Sea, ASEAN has gradually and cautiously guided China towards acting according to ASEAN’s political agenda through maintaining “multi-lateral forums”, emphasizing “legal justification” and pushing “codes of conduct”.