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Chinese Aid and Investment in Myanmar: An Analysis of Survey Data

Author: Lu Guangsheng, Li Chenyang & Jin ZhenSilver Editor Source: South Asian StudiesTime :2014-05-19 10:00:00

  ABSTRACT: Political economic transition in Myanmar has significantly impacted Chinese investment and aid projects in the country. From July to August of 2013, the Myanmar Studies Center at Yunnan University conducted an attitudes survey on Chinese aid and investment in Myanmar. The survey focused on four key components: the general attitude of the Myanmar people towards Chinese aid and investment; attitudes towards large scale Chinese dam projects in Myanmar; attitudes towards international aid and investment projects; views on how China should conduct its investment and aid projects in Myanmar in the future. The survey results show that some Myanmar people have a strong negative opinion of Chinese aid and investment projects in the country, and that some large scale Chinese dam projects lack public support to a certain extent. However, the Myanmar public still universally hopes that China can continue to increase its investment and cooperation with Myanmar, and hopes also that Chinese companies can invest in different sectors using different investment models and invest in more projects which can benefit local livelihoods.