The Theory of Causation in Samkhya-Karika and Its Ancient Annotation
Author: Yao WeiqunSilver Editor Source: South Asian StudiesTime :2014-04-24 15:58:00
ABSTRACT: Samkhya-Karika is a basic classic of the Samkhya, a main philosophy school in ancient India. This classic and its ancient annotation have elaborated on the issue of causation. The doctrine of pre-existence of effect in cause in Samkhya-Karika is the basis of thing’s formation theory of the Samkhya. Other thought of causation in Samkhya-Karika has also played an important role in the formation of the Samkhya’s theoretical system, which has revealed the deep theoretical thinking of ancient Indian philosophers. There are obvious differences on the theory of causation between the Samkhya and other schools in ancient India. Doing research on the problems in this aspect is of important significance for profoundly understanding the characteristics of the basic form and development of Indian religious philosophy.