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Obstacles to Democratization in Multi-Nation States:The Case of Bhutan

Author: Jiao PeiSilver Editor Source: South Asian StudiesTime :2014-04-24 14:49:00

  ABSTRACT: Nationality is the foundation of state identity. As such, conflicts between different nations within a state present major obstacles for democratization. The separatist movement that emerged as Bhutan democratized is one such example. As Bhutan went through the process of its democratization, it promoted a nationalities policy with the objective of Bhutanese assimilation and integration. After 1985, the policy shifted from encouraging Bhutanization to making it mandatory. Nepalese not willing to accept assimilation were forced to escape from Bhutan and enter Nepal as refugees. The crisis of nationality and democracy faced by Bhutan is common in multi-nation states. Bhutan must consider successful examples of handling this problem employed in other states, and move quickly to overcome this dilemma. 

  KEY WORDS: Multi-Nation State; Democracy; Bhutan