Qin Sheng

Name:Qin Sheng
Experience in cass:Since 2011
Telephone: 010-64022435
Degree: Doctor Degree in Economics
Foreign Language: English
Research Area: Global Value Chains
Work Experience: Work for NIIS,CASS since 2011
Education: Ph.D in Economics, Graduated from school of economics, Renmin University of China
Analysis of the Effect of the Rise of Producer Service Industry on Global Integration of Industrial Value Chain, Contemporary Economic Research, 2012.9
Chinese Firms' Innovation and Industrial Upgrading are Facing New Challenges from Modularity Global Value Chains,China Business and Market,2011.8
Cause and Policy Suggestion for the Paradox of China’s High Tech Industry with Low High Tech Value Added, Contemporary Economic Research, 2009.5(With Jia Gengliang)
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