Li Tianguo

Name:Li Tianguo
Degree: PhD in Economics
Title: Associate Professor
Foreign Language: English, Korean
Education: Seoul National University
Research Areas:International Economics,Emerging Economies, Economy of Korean Peninsula
Journal Articles:
1.The New Trend of Global Value Chain Reconstruction and the Upgrading Path of China's Industrial Chain,Expanding Horizons,2023(2)
2.A Study on the Risk Spillover of the Uncertanty of US Monetary Policy and Its Countermeasures:Analysis based on E11 National Panel Data Model,Price:Theory & Practice,2023(1)
3.30 Years of China-Korea Trade:Stangding at a new historical starting point,Globalization,2023(1)
4.The Experience and Inspiration of the Development of New Infrastructure in "South Korea's New Deal",China Development Observation,2022(12)
5.A Study on Breaking the Dilemma of Developmeng on the Korean Peninsula through Economic Cooperation,Journal of Northeast Asia Studies,2022(6)
6.The Construction of a Community with a Shared Economic Future in Northeast Asia and China's Role,China Development Observation,2021(24)
7.The Third- party Market Cooperation between China and Japan in Vietnam under the Belt and Road Framework,Contemporary Economic Management,2021(2)
8.Lag Effect of R&D's Influence on Firm Performance:Empirical Research Based on Panel Data from 2922 List Enterprises, Economic Forum ,2020(11)
9.International Order And Regional Cooperaton in East Asia in Post Pandemic Era, Contemporary World, 2020(8)
10.Impact of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia on the East Asian Production Network and Countermeasures,Jiangxi Social Sciences, 2020(7)
11.South Korea's Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area Strategy under the background of Anti-Globalization, Journal of Northeast Asia Studies, 2020(3)
12.Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: Progress, Impact, and Forward-looking, Northeast Asia Forum, 2020(2)
13.Comparison of China and Korea’s Manufacturing Productivity under Environmental Constraints, Ecological Economy, 2020(2)
14.The Cause, Trend and Implications of Japan-ROK Trade Disputes, Northeast Asia Studies, 2020(2)
15.The Game of National Interests under Trade Frictions: On the Revision of KORUS FTA, pacific journal, 2019(12)
16.Centenary Change:Asia Pacific Order Sturcturing and China's Role, Contemporary World, 2019(11)
17.Reform of Social Security System under the Risk of Population Aging:the case of South Korea,Contemporary Korea,2019(2)
18.The Competitiveness of Korea-China-Japan agricultural products and Korea-China FTA Agricultural Trade impacts,Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development, 2018 (2)
19.South Korea's Supply-Side Structural Reform Experience and Its Implications for China, Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,2018(5)
20.On the Opportunities and Challenges of China-Japan-South Korea FTA in Post-TPP Era, Journal of Northeast Asia Studies, 2018(02)
21.The Effect of Parents' Financial Aid on the Adult Children's Housing Cost: based on Korean Labor and Income Panel Study Data, Population Journal,2017(5).
22.Sino-Russian Economic and Trade Cooperation Strategy under the Background of Anti-Globalization,Journal of International Economic Cooperation,2017(10).
23.Anti Globalization: BRICs Economic Risks and Coping Strategies, Journal of International Economic Cooperation,2017(8).
24.South Korea’s Foreign Trade Strategy and the Evolution of FTA Policy, Asia-pacific Economic Review,2017(2)
25.Middle Income Trap and Structural Reform:The Case of South Korea, Asia-pacific Economic Review,2016(6)
26.Market Opening,Technical Progress and Productivity,Economic Forum,2016(3)
27.G20, International Economic Governance, and China's Role, Sungkyun China Brief,2016(4)
28.Economic Transition, Income Gap and Social Security Policy: Experiences from South Korea,Chinese Journal of Northeast Asia Studies,2016(6)
29.The Influence of Rouble Crisis on Russian Economy and its Implications,Chinese Journal of Northeast Asia Studies,2015(3),
30.Economic Growth and Dynamic Convergence in Chinese Ethnic Minority Areas,Journal of Yunnan Minzu University,2015(3),99-105.
31.Reason for Youth Unemployment in South Korea: Impact of Expected Wage and Its Implication,Population Journal,2015(3)
32.Numerical Method of Pricing Discretely Monitored Barrier Option,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2015,No.278.149-161.
33.A Study on the Economic Vulnerability of BRICs under the Background of Global Economic Slowdown,Journal of International Economic Cooperation,2015(3).
34.Tapering Quantitative Easing and its Transmission Mechanism—based on Panel VAR model, Journal of International Economic Cooperation, No.10, 2014.
35.Background of GH-nomics and Its implication,Chinese Journal of Northeast Asia Studies,2014(5)
36.The spillover effect of developed countries' monetary policy on emerging economies ,Theory and Contemporary,2014(6)
37.The Effect of Children’s Education on Korean Married Women’s Labor Supply: Based On 8700 House Survey, Population and Economics, 2014(1)
38.Relationship between economic growth and capital investment in emerging economies: implications on financing policy, Korean Journal of Accounting Research, 2014 (4)
39.Effect of Macroeconomic and Regional Shocks on Industry in Ethic Minority Areas: based on Structural VAR Model, On Economic Problems, 2013(9)
40.A Study on Determinants of China`s Service Trade in Developmental Processes of Service Industry,The Comparative Economic Review,2013(2)
41.Economic Analysis of North Korean Nuclear Test, Pacific Journal , 2013(5)
42.Empircal Study of Industrial Structure of Yanbian Based on Dynamic Shift-share Analysis, Journal of Yanbian University(Social Sciences),2013(5).
43.External Productivity Shocks, Location Factors and Industrial Economic Growth, Technology and Economics, 2013 (10 )
44.A Study on the Financial Efficiency of Chinese Commercial Banks: Under Multi-Index Panel Data,Korea International Accounting Review, 2012(45)
45.A Study on The Features and Trends of Spatial Polarization of Ethnic Areas, Economic Geography, 2011(11)
46.Effect of New Countryside Construction on Rural Residents’ Income, Social Science Front, 2011(10)
47.Regional Economic Agglomeration and Evolution of Spatial Polarization, Dongjiang Journal, 2011(3)
48.A Study on the Impact of Foreign Bank Entry on the Financial Business Performance of Banks in Emerging Markets,Korea International Accounting Review,Vol.38, 2011.
49.An Empirical study on Factors Affecting Foreign Bank Investment in China's Financial Market,Korean Journal of Accounting Research, 2011(1)
50.Analysis of The Cooperation of New Energy Industry Between Korea and China, Economic Theory and Business Management, No.4, 2011.
51.International Competitiveness of Services Trade of Korea and China, and Policy Implications for Korea-China FTA, Journal of the Korea Regional Economics, 2011(2)
52.A Study on the Operation of China Online game and Development Strategy, The Journal of Business Education, 2010(4)
53.A Study on Development Situation of Automobile Finance Industry in China and Entrance Strategies of Korean Bank into China Market, Journal of Business Education, 2010(3)
54.Influence of China-Japan-Korea FTA to Inner-region Trade, Economic Management, 2008(16)
55.Japanese Unemployment Trap and The Lagging Industrial Structure, Economic Tribune No.4, 2005 (Reprinted By Renmin University Of China Copy Edition Material—Journal of World Economics. 2005(8)
1.The Logic of Economic Transition in South Korea:Reform and Breakthrough in An Emerging Economy, Economy & Management Publishing House, 2017.7
2.Park Geun-hye Political Economics, China Renmin University Press,2015.
3.Development of Tumen River Area (With Li Zhonglin, Wang Guochen, Cui Wen) Yanji:Yanbian University Press 2006.
4. Beyond Growth and Distribution: the Future Design of The Korean Economy,China Renmin University Press,2008
On paper: