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A Discussion of the Viewpoints and Role of the BASIC -Countries at the Post-Copenhagen Climate Change Talks

Author: Gao XiaoshengSilver Editor Source: Contemporary Asia Pacific StudiesTime :2014-04-17 10:59:00

  Abstract: The BASIC countries consist of China, India, Brazil, South Africa and the other major states that made up the negotiation team representing developing countries at the Climate talks. Because the BASIC member states are extremely influential among both developing states and globally, BASIC received much attention at the international climate change talks. In constructing the 2012 negotiations on an international climate framework, the BASIC stance demonstrated a high level of coordination. Even though there are still some differences between BASIC states, on the whole, the emergence of and coordination between the BASIC countries has been conducive to the continuation of the international climate talks within the Framework Convention. This has also been helpful for coming to agreements on climate arrangements following Kyoto. It should be kept in mind though that it may also result in the division and re-organization of the international negotiating teams, especially the G77 plus China. BASIC is a recent creation, and the role that it will play in constructing a post-Kyoto climate change framework depends largely on how the four BASIC countries manage relations with the United Nations and other international institutions, on how they can press developed nations to develop resolve and capacity to cut emissions, and on how it can maintain unity between the G77 and China.

  Author: Gao Xiaosheng is a PhD Student in the School of Politics and Public Administration at Wuhan University