Yang Xiaoping

Name:Yang Xiaoping
Experience in cass:July,2009 till now
Degree: Ph.d
Title: Assistant Professor
Foreign Language: English Hindi
Research Area: India’s foreign strategy and policy, Indo-U.S-China bilateral relations, Indo-Pacific notion and China’s periphery diplomacy
Work Experience:
2009.7—Now Dept. of China’s Regional Strategy
2011.1 International Visiting Fellow at IDSA, New Delhi
2010.7-2012.12 Post-doctoral candidate at Fudan University, Shanghai, China
2009 PhD, the Party School of the Central Committee of the C.P.C, Beijing
2005 Master, University of International Relations, Beijing
1/’India’s Asia-Pacific Strategy and its prospect’, Annual Report on Development of Asia-Pacific (2013), Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2013
2/ ‘The Security Architecture of South Asia: Structural Asymmetry and fractured Integration ’, World Economics and Politics, No.2 2012
3/ “Beyond 'Scarcity-Conflict' perspective: Trans-boundary Water in the Context of Emerging India and Rising China, International Forum, No.4,2012
4/ ‘The co-rising of India and China in Asia and China’s periphery diplomacy’, Contemporary World, No.11 2012
5/ ‘ The Evolution of idea factor in New China’s foreign policy’, Journal of The Party School of The Central Committee of The C.T.C, No.4, 2012
6/ ‘Restructuring China’s periphery diplomacy to achieve strategic balance between U.S and China ’, China and World Watch, No.2, 2012
7/ ‘Pakistan Flood complicated the security environment of South Asia’, Journal of South Asia Studies Quarterly, No. 3,2011
8/ ‘Governance of the ethnic problems in North-eastern India and its implications’, Journal of South-eastern Asia and South Asia Studies, No.4 2011
9/ The Road to Global Zero: China's and India's Perspectives,Think India Quarterly, Vol.2, 2010
10/ “Hegemonic cycles and Sino-European cooperation in crisis management”,in Chu shulong and Frans-Paul Van de Putten eds, China, Europe And International Security, Routledge,2011
On paper: