"South Asian Studies" is the Chinese South Asian Society journal, founded in 1979, is China's earliest founded the field of international studies of publications.
- The Implications and Features of China-India Political Relations
- The Expansion of Outward FDI: A Comparative Study of China and India
- Economy Merits: A Study of the Competitiveness between China and India
- The Negotiation regarding Establishing Consulate between China and India in 1948
- The Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between India and China and India’s Dip...
- Why Pakistan Actively Promoted the Bilateral Negotiation of LandBorder between C...
- The Development of High-technology and Rising of India
- India’s Look East Policy: From a Multilateralism Perspective
- India-Pakistan Composite Dialogue: Process,Achievements and the Way Forward
- Indian Muslims’ Dilemma in Development and Indian Government’s Policy
- The Rohingya Refugees: A Security Dilemma for Bangladesh
- On the Origin of Indian English Literature
- Indian Music and Dance: Their Dissemination and Influence in China
- On The Queen’s Stepwell of India Authored by Dr.Zhu Xintian